Botulinum Toxin Type A

‌Composition: Clostridium botulinum toxin type A (Hall strain)

Botulinum Tоxin Type А, L-methionine, Polysorbate 20. Buffered saline phosphate pH 7.0

Appearance: A colorless transparent liquid injectable product in a colorless transparent vial

Storage method: Store at 2 ~ 8ºC in a refrigerator, in a hermetic container

Injection Site: Corrugator muscle/procerus muscle(forehead wrinkles), orbicularis oculi muscles(eye wrinkles), pre-tarsal orbicularis oculi(to treat blepharospasm), masseter muscle(jaw),  platysma muscle(neck), dermis(skin).

Application Areas: Treatment of blepharospasm. Improvement of glabellar lines, eye wrinkles, neck wrinkles and other facial wrinkles. Relaxation of jaw muscles to provide a slimmer jawline. Reduction of pore size to provide a smoother skin appearance.

Maintenance Period: Several months (depends on individual)


What is Innotox 50 Unit?
Innotox 50 Unit is a botulinum toxin product manufactured by the Korean company, Meditox. Unlike Meditox’s other product Meditoxin, which is a powdered toxin product, Innotox 50 Unit is a liquid toxin product. Innotox 50 Unit DOES NOT require dilution with saline solution.

Characteristics of Innotox 50 Unit
Innotox 50 Unit is an innovative product that does not use animal-derived materials or human serum albumin. Innotox 50 Unit is user friendly because no dilution is needed to use this product, which further reduces the potential for hygiene issues to occur. Not only that, it is easy to accurately measure the appropriate dose of product used for treatment (Innotox 0.1mL = 4 units). Moreover, clinical studies have proven that Innotox 50 Unit is safe and effective.

‌How to Use Innotox 50 Unit

‌How to administer Innotox 50 Unit
To address glabellar lines (forehead wrinkles): Using a 30 gauge needle, inject the dissolved product in the corrugator muscles and the procerus muscle (a total of 5 areas). 0.1ml of the product should be injected in each area, with a total of 20 U being injected.

When injecting into the inner corrugator supercilii muscle and the medial eyebrows, inject at least 1 cm from the edge of the eye. During injection, the needle should be aimed at the upper center, and the injection volume should be accurate. Careful attention should be paid to NOT inject Innotox 50 Unit into the blood vessel. To prevent Innotox 50 Unit from being injected into the blood vessel(exudation) below the orbital ridge, place the thumb or index finger below the orbital ridge prior to injection.
The corrugator muscle and the orbicularis oculi muscle move in the middle of the forehead to make glabellar folds on the face. The procerus muscle and the depressor supercilii muscle pull the forehead downward. These muscles create frown lines or wrinkles. Because the muscle position, muscle size, and use of muscle vary from person to person, the effective dose is determined by complete observation of the patient's ability to control the implanted surface muscles.

To address wrinkles around the eyes: Using a 30~33 gauge needle, administer 0.1ml(4U) each on 3 areas on one of the outer regions of the orbicularis oculi muscles (6 areas on both sides, total of 24 U).

To treat blepharospasm: Blepharospasm is defined as the uncontrollable muscle movements of the eyelid. Innotox 50 Unit should be administered using a sterile, 27-30 gauge needle, and injected into the medial and lateral pre-tarsal orbicularis oculi of the upper lid and into the lateral pre-tarsal orbicularis oculi of the lower lid. The initial recommended dose is 1.25-2.5U, at 0.05 mL to 0.1 mL volume at each site. The initial effect of Innotox 50 Unit is generally seen 3 days after being injected. Full effects are seen 1 to 2 weeks after injection. The effects last approximately 3 months. If the initial treatment is deemed insufficient (i.e. effects do not last longer than 2 months), then the dose can be increased up to two-fold in repeat treatment sessions. However, there seems to be little benefit from injecting more than 5.0 U per injection site. Patients may develop a tolerance if treatments for blepharospasm are administered more frequently than every three months. The cumulative dose of Innotox 50 Unit should not exceed 200 U in a 30-day period.

To address the masseter(jaw) muscle: Before getting the injections, it is important to have a consultation with a medical professional that will examine the jaw and face area to determine the injection site. A medical professional will clean the skin before the injection to reduce the risk of infection. A topical anesthesia to numb the area may be used. Next, the doctor will insert the thin needle into the masseter muscle. After the procedure is completed and the toxin is injected, the needle will be slowly withdrawn. The procedure may be repeated on the other side of the face.
It is important to AVOID rubbing and placing pressure on the treated area for 24 hours.

To treat neck wrinkles: During the injection into the neck area, it is important to contract and relax the platysma muscle multiple times, in order to let the doctor evaluate and select the right area that needs the injections. With the contraction of the muscle, the lines are more visible, and the doctor can grab the muscle and inject botulinum toxin into it. As botulinum toxin weakens the muscles, the motion of the platysma muscle becomes very limited, thanks to that the neck looks smoother by softening the wrinkles and lines. Moreover, as there are no involuntary contractions, the neck appears tighter as well, indirectly improving the appearance of jowls and jawline too.

To administer as skin botox: Skin botox is created by mixing 4 to 5 times more saline solution. In the case of Innotox 50 Unit, it can also be further diluted with saline solution, with no resulting side effects. This dilutes the toxin more thinly to be suitably used for skin botox. The diluted solution should be administered into the dermal layer (skin), which is different from the traditional technique, which administers the toxin solution into the muscle. Skin botox should be injected in small amounts in several small increments in facial areas. Effects of skin botox include the tightening of pores, the reduction of fine lines, the reduced production of oil and sweat, and overall smoother appearance of skin.

Precautions when using Liztox 100 U
Innotox 50 Unit should be discarded as medical waste once it has passed the expiration date. If the toxin needs to be deactivated (e.g. when spilled out), use diluted hypochlorite(0.5% or 1%) before discarding it as medical waste. Also, products that have come in direct contact with Innotox 50 Unit should also be discarded as medical waste.

Innotox 50 Unit is not recommended to be injected frequently. Frequency should not exceed one treatment every 3 months.

The recommended dosage, frequency of treatment, and administration methods of Innotox 50 Unit should be strictly followed. Certified professionals administering Innotox 50 Unit should fully understand the relevant neuromuscular and/or orbital anatomy of the treatment area, and also any alterations to the anatomy that have occurred due to prior surgical procedures. DO NOT use Innotox 50 Unit without a doctor’s prescription.

Innotox 50 Unit and its effects may unintentionally spread and affect other areas and cause adverse symptoms. Symptoms may include asthenia, generalized muscle weakness, dysphonia, dysarthria, stuttering, urinary incontinence, breathing difficulties, dysphagia (swallowing difficulties), diplopia, blurred vision, and ptosis.

The following people SHOULD NOT receive Innotox 50 Unit:

- Patients who have an allergic or hypersensitive reaction to the ingredients in this product
- Patients with neuromuscular junction disorders (dysfunction at location where nerves connect with muscles), including Myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Eaton syndrome, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Using this product causes relaxation of the muscle, which can exacerbate the existing disorder.
- Patients who are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or are currently nursing mothers
- Patients below the age of 16

‌Why is Innotox 50 Unit recommended?
Innotox 50 Unit is recommended to clients who are specifically looking for a quick and easy liquid-type Korean toxin. The benefits of Innotox 50 Unit as a liquid-type Korean toxin is that the botulinum toxin ingredient is already dissolved in saline solution with accurate amounts. It is vital to accurately mix the powder-form toxin and saline solution in the right ratio to achieve effective results. With Innotox 50 Unit, clients do not have to worry about the hassle and difficulty of diluting a powder-form toxin in a separately-bought saline solution, as the product is already mixed with the accurate ratio. Clients can immediately perform aesthetic procedures with Innotox 50 Unit. In addition, clients can save money on saline solution products. Therefore Innotox 50 Unit is recommended to those who want a liquid-type botulinum toxin product that does not require the additional process of dilution.

‌We, Medi-Fella Korea, do NOT take any responsibility for medical issues and problems that occur during cosmetic procedures.